
How to Easily Invest in Yourself and Your Organization

This past weekend I attended the Tribe Conference, a gathering primarily for writers. It was a really terrific event, and while all the speakers did a wonderful job, a few of them made points that struck me more deeply. I'm sure you can relate.

One of those was Dan Miller, an enormously successful speaker and author, who's session was about the importance of investing in yourself. In his talk, he cited Brian Tracy's advice, which is to invest 3% of your income on personal growth and development, and then to bump it up to 5% once you pass $50,000.

Could you do that? Investing in myself has been a high priority of mine for quite a while now, but I was surprised to see how many people around me didn't seem to have a personal investment plan, despite attending this event. I don't want this for you. I want you to prioritize it, despite the actual (and perceived) costs. 

How to Invest in Yourself and Your Organization

Why Invest in Yourself and Your Organization?

First of all, I'm not just talking about throwing money at the latest software, or buying fancy computers, or getting team t-shirts, though that would be snazzy. I'm talking about the "deeper" investments for personal and professional growth, which leads to added value and growth for your organization.

When you invest in yourself personally, you knowingly—and unknowingly—apply that new knowledge and experience everywhere around you. So, even then, you're benefitting your organization. And when you invest in yourself for your job, or on behalf of your organization, your directly applying that new knowledge to your role and your cause. Intentionally investing in yourself also often provides renewed energy, focus, determination, know-how, and purpose. So, why not get on board?

Invest in Micro-Learning

Mico-learning is a fancy, hyphenated word I made up for a category that includes books, podcasts, webinars, videos, email lists, and those kinds of things—honestly, because I wasn't sure what else to call it! ;) But this includes anything that is focused, small, and easily consumable. These examples are what the majority of us would turn to first as a learning opportunity, or personal investment. And, of course, most of these items are free, or can be acquired cheaply, so it's an easy sell.

In fact, because they're all around you, my advice would be to take advantage of these kinds of media weekly, if not more frequently. People who are always learning and trying to better themselves in some way are likely to be the ones that make a bigger difference, are valued more at their organizations, lead others more successfully, and generally do better overall. You may have even heard the phrases "leaders are readers" or "leaders are learners." It's true! I guarantee the people you most admire, from business leaders to celebrities, invest in themselves in these ways.

Invest in Live Events

In the world we now live in, there are opportunities at every turn to watch events online, participate in webinars, and connect digitally with influencers and peers. However, there is still no replacement for attending in-person. It's hard to replicate that feeling of a live event. It's more invigorating and motivating. And the connections made there are stronger than they would be online. 

I was reminded of that this past weekend. Right now, I probably watch a webinar each week, and I also belong to a membership site with monthly video trainings and a Facebook group. But as I sat there with a group of peers, took notes in a real notebook, had conversations after each session, and shared meals with others who are trying to grow, I remembered, yet again, that there is just no substitute. 

Depending on your budget, I understand this could be a large financial commitment. Most one-day events are around $100 or less, but multi-day events could easily be several hundred to several thousand, plus travel. And that's not always feasible. But I would highly encourage you to plan for at least one in-person conference each year. You won't regret it!

Invest in Down Time

I'll let you define "down time" for yourself since we're all a bit different. Some of us are extroverts and some of us are introverts. We have difference preferences, and things that light us up. For me, this looks like a day of binge-watching Netflix, coffee with a friend, a few hours at the movies, or if I'm really lucky, a trip. Can you tell that I'm an introvert? ;)

But the point is to find something that will renew your energy and breathe life back into your spirit. It's vital to your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. And, most importantly, don't wait until burnout. Do it regularly. Maybe making consistent time comes only in small increments, like 30 minutes or an hour each week. That's totally fine. See what works for you, and what you can manage, without rescheduling or pushing it back until you theoretically have "more time."

I also think, however, that you should schedule larger blocks of time (like several days) on an annual basis. Call it a vacation, call it a personal retreat, or call it your "me time." It doesn't matter what you call it, only that you take it.

Investing in yourself, and in turn, your organization, will be worth far more in the end than what the actual costs were. In my opinion, personal growth and investment is priceless. See if you can take the first step this week, even if it's just making a plan for your action steps! Once you get in a rhythm with it, you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner.

(PSST—If you'd like to read all of my notes from the Tribe Conference, you can do that here on my personal blog.)

A Limited-Time Opportunity

Looking for a terrific opportunity to invest in yourself and your organization right now—and get a great deal? Then check out One Woman Shop's Solopreneur Success Bundle. Available through this Friday, September 22nd, at 11:59 p.m., this bundle contains $1,724 worth of products, courses, and tools for only $99!

In it, you'll find information covering:

  • Building your own virtual assistant

  • Managing cash flow

  • Photography and design

  • Content marketing

  • E-course ideas

  • Growing an email list

  • Hashtags and social media

  • Dealing with your Inbox

  • Interviewing and hiring

  • Legal guidance

  • Productivity

  • Positioning

  • SEO

  • Sales pages


I'm an affiliate for this bundle, but this deal is so good, I snatched it up myself in the first few hours it was available! I can't wait to sort through everything, and I know it will be worth the money.

In fact, if any of the topics above sound good to you, then you'd probably pay close to $100 (or more) for a single course on that subject. So, why not jump on this bundle and get way more bang for your buck!

What are you waiting for? Click here or the banner below for more details!


Investing in yourself, and in turn, your organization, will be worth far more in the end than what the actual costs were. In my opinion, personal growth and investment is priceless.

Kristi Porter, founder at www.signify.solutions

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.

How to Prepare for Attending a Conference

Fall and spring are primetime conference seasons. I feel like I’m currently receiving multiple emails every week for new events and registration deadlines. And I don’t know about you, but I love attending conferences! I’d never consider going back to school, but I’d attend a conference every month if I could! Extraverts and introverts (raising hand here!) can find plenty of fantastic opportunities at a conference whether you’re in it for the people or the information.

But with our busy, busy lives, sometimes even our favorite annual events can sneak up on us. If it’s going to take a chunk out of your schedule, and possibly out of your budget, why not make the most of it? Events and conferences could mean new customers, donors, partnerships, or even friends.

How to Prepare for Attending a Conference

To make the most out of your time there, here are my top tips for preparing to attend a conference on behalf of your nonprofit or social enterprise.


Business Cards and Handouts

If you’re anything like me, your business cards really only see the light of day at events and conferences. But nonetheless, it’s important to have them on hand. There’s still no better way to pass along your information quickly. So, make sure you have ample supply printed and packed. And if your nonprofit or social enterprise has any handouts or coupons, bring those along too!

(Update 3/21/18) Another great alternative someone recently told me about was to utilize a contact card in your phone that can easily be shared with someone via text. I created a separate business contact card since my personal one had private details on it. So, with the business one, I added all my details, including my business social media links, Skype handle, and everything else that makes me easy to reach. She even added a link to her online calendar which makes scheduling a snap.

I still recommend having traditional business cards as well, because I don't want to automatically add everyone I meet to my address book, but it's a terrific other option, and will also work well if/when you run out of cards.


Social Profiles

As I prepped for a conference last month, I realized that my Facebook Page profile needed to be updated. I’d changed some of my positioning language since creating it back in February. So, it taught me to give them all a once-over. Sometimes we promote fundraising campaigns or sales promotions in our profile, but they weren’t intended to stay that way forever. Or, like me, maybe you had some temporary language that stayed in place for too long. It’s possible your organization has even gone in a new direction. Whatever the reason, give each profile a quick look to make sure all of the information is still correct.

Additionally, I recommend doing this both with your personal and professional profiles. Why? To cover all your bases. For example, I only have Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts for Signify. But I have personal Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. Depending on the accounts other people prioritize for themselves or their organizations, you want to give them as many good options as possible for connecting with you later, as well as keeping up with the latest on your business.


Social Feed

How long has it been since you updated your social media? It’s probably on your weekly To Do List, but if you’re like most small business owners I know, it can easily fall to the wayside. Head on over there and post updates to each of your accounts. And if you’re still a week or two from the conference, you might even want to schedule a few posts ahead of time leading up to the event. The point is that you want anyone checking out your accounts to see updated content. Otherwise, they might not bother with following you. And I know you don’t want that! As before, consider this for your professional and personal accounts.



Chances are, there are pages on your website that get updated regularly, like a blog. (Or, at least I hope so! Google likes this!) But there may be other pages that need dusting off. This often includes the About page, but depending on the size of your site, it could be any number of pages. This will take the most time, but try to give each page a good, hard look with the perspective of a new visitor. Check to make sure information is updated and, equally important, that links work. And if you’re a real go-getter, you can even create an opt-in, switch out an opt-in, or use language that other conference attendees are likely to click.


Conference Info

If this isn’t a conference you’ve attended before, it’s time to follow the event’s social media accounts. Likewise, take note of any official hashtags that will be in use. In the weeks leading up to the gathering, you can interact with people online to introduce yourself, start attracting new followers, find new accounts that interest you or are relevant your cause, make plans to meet in real life, and much more. During the event, you can do some of the same, as well as posting your favorite notes and quotes, which allows you to not only show what you’re learning and enjoying, but also be helpful to others. Plus, it gives you great content for your own personal and organizational accounts—bonus!



Attended a conference recently? Here's my secret formula for what to do next!

By the way, here’s a great list of social impact conferences from Cause Artist. What are your favorite conferences to attend? Tell me in the comments!


Here are my top tips to prepare for attending a conference on behalf of your nonprofit or social enterprise.

Kristi Porter, founder at www.signify.solutions

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.

Birthday Gifts for All

This Friday is my birthday! (Cue the confetti!) And one of the best ways to spend a birthday is by sharing it with others—even digitally. I also love giving gifts and freebies away. So, I thought it would be fun to combine those two things this year! 

Here's how you can win gifts for my birthday!

Through Sunday night, September 17th, at 11:59 p.m. EST, you have the ability to win (socially-conscious) gifts for my birthday!

Everyone on my email list has the chance to win. And I have multiple lists that you can sign up for which, by the way, will help your nonprofit or social enterprise with your marketing and communications efforts—already a win, win! You'll receive one entry for each list. So, the more lists you're on, the more entries you have! AND for every person you refer to my list, you'll get FIVE bonus entries! Just shoot me an email (kristi@signify.solutions) to let me know the person was referred by you. So, not only do you increase your chances of winning an awesome prize, but you'll be a part of your friend improving their organization's marketing efforts. Look how (inadvertently) sweet you are!

To recap:

Sign up via one of these lists . . . 

For each list your email appears on, you'll receive one entry. (Yes, this includes lists you're currently on!)

Refer someone to a list, and you'll receive FIVE bonus entries when they sign up. And don't forget to send me an email (kristi@signify.solutions) to let me know that found me with your help.

Let's get to it! What can you win?

First prize in my birthday gifts drawing

First prize:

Approximate retail value is $90.



Second prize for my birthday gifts drawing.

Second prize:

Approximate retail value is $40.


Third prize for my birthday gifts giveaway.

Third prize:

Approximate retail value is $25.



And, guess what, EVERYONE'S A WINNER! Each person on the list will receive an email with a digital gift as my thank you for being part of the Signify community.


Don't forget, you have until Sunday, September 17th, at 11:59 p.m. EST to enter! Winners will be chosen and notified on Monday, September 18th. 

Good luck!




ANDY OF REMERGE (3rd prize)


Here's how you can win (socially-conscious) gifts for my birthday!

Kristi Porter, founder at www.signify.solutions

I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to provide writing, consulting and strategy services to nonprofits and for-profit organizations with a social mission, primarily through copywriting, marketing, and business communications. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to help you get noticed and grow. When you succeed, we all win.