
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Testimonials That Demonstrate Your Mission and Attract Social Impact Stakeholders

There’s a reason why Amazon, Google, and Yelp reviews are so popular. We value the opinions of others, especially when we’re making decisions on whether or not to invest our time, money, or support into a product, mission, or organization. 

Marketing your organization is vital, but what will really make it stand out is having stellar testimonials from real, enthusiastic people. 

Gathering and utilizing strong testimonials can make a huge difference for your organization because they can turn potential customers, donors, or partners into dedicated stakeholders and avid fans. 

That’s where this guide comes in! 

You’re already a fantastic advocate for your organization on your own, but all the work doesn’t have to fall solely on you.

Building a library of powerful testimonials you can pull from will drive more supporters, customers, volunteers, and partners to your organization—and help spread your mission even further. 

With this ultimate guide, you’ll learn more about…

  1. The best questions to ask to get the most useful testimonials 

    Great testimonials start with great questions. If you’re wondering how to get your customers, donors, volunteers, and partners to provide thoughtful and valuable testimonials that showcase the strengths of your organization, this guide is chock full of sample questions and pro tips.

  2. The different types of testimonials and how each may benefit you

    Whether it be a written testimonial in the form of a Q&A, a short story, or a video testimonial, different formats can work better for different businesses, initiatives, or platforms. 

  3. How to make the most of your testimonials 

    Once you have them, you have to use them! Your testimonials should become an integral part of your marketing strategy and be displayed in multiple spots. These gems are proof that your organization changes lives and makes a positive impact, so share them every chance you get.

  4. Examples of strong testimonials 

    To give you a teaser of what you can expect to see in this guide, here are a few sneak peek examples:

If you’re a nonprofit, draw inspiration from this video from Habitat for Humanity, which highlights a volunteer’s experience. Or, take a look at how SERV International uses a short story format to tell the story of Rebecca, a young woman directly impacted by their work and mission.

If you’re a for-profit, see how Thrive Cosmetics uses a real customer video to demonstrate the benefits of one of their products. I also have client testimonials for Signify showcased on my Instagram, my website, and via email blasts.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all you can learn about creating and showcasing testimonials. 

The work you do is important, and this guide gives you the tools you need to create testimonials that demonstrate your impact and attract new stakeholders to your cause.

Though the process of asking for testimonials can seem intimidating, the benefit of having strong first-hand accounts advocating for your organization will amplify your efforts, your voice, and your mission.

Grab your guide here:

More Than Words

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Testimonials That Demonstrate Your Mission and Attract Social Impact Stakeholders


I'm Kristi Porter, and I started Signify to help small nonprofits and for-profits with a social mission get noticed and grow through effective marketing and communications. I also teach solopreneurs and small businesses how to incorporate philanthropy and giving strategies. I believe that cause-focused organizations like yours are the future of business. You're proof that companies can both make money and do good. And I'm here to make sure you focus and shine. When you succeed, we all win.

Racial Justice Resources for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises

As a leader of a nonprofit or social enterprise, some form of justice is already at the heart of your work. You’re fighting for a cause because it’s worthy of your attention and your voice. It’s true, it’s right, it’s just.

So, if you aren’t already involved in the conversation regarding racial justice, now is the time to join in—no matter what issues you’re already working on. Racism is a virus, and each of us is susceptible.

You’ve, of course, seen overt and horrific examples played out on a national stage, but the real work—the hard work—begins in ourselves, our homes, and the places we work.

Implicit bias, microaggressions, off-hand comments, inappropriate jokes, favoritism, and more happen in small ways on a daily basis, sometimes without a second thought. It’s time to address our failings head-on and on-purpose, with the same amount of passion you already apply to your current work.

Even as a cause-focused organization, it’s possible that you may need some assistance in this area. We can all lose perspective when it comes to our own work, and even ourselves. You likely don’t consider yourself a racist, but have you considered becoming an anti-racist?

As an advocate for justice, inequality is your adversary. And it’s time to pick a fight.

Whether you are still trying to understand why “Black Lives Matter” or you are trying to figure out how your nonprofit or social impact company should respond at this critical time in history, here are some tools and resources to equip you on this journey.

I’ve also asked a few friends for their thoughts, because they are all incredibly smart, have a vital perspective, and are people you should know.

Racial Justice Resources for Nonprofits, Social Enterprises, and Small Businesses

Understanding the Issues of Racial Inequality and Systemic Racism

If this is a topic that you feel largely ill-equipped to tackle, take the first steps to listen and learn before you speak. Let’s start by getting on the same page.

Begin within

As the leader (or a leader) of your nonprofit or social impact company, the work begins with you. No matter what policies or changes you implement, trainings you conduct, or resources you make available to your team, the majority of the work has to be done in the heart’s of your people, starting with you. Set the example you’d want to follow.

  • This short and simple “Guide to Allyship” is a great place to start as you begin to think what these topics will mean to you personally and professionally.

  • There are a number of common phrases that have racist roots you should be aware of, so that you can remove them from your vocabulary. And here are five more, a couple of which caught me completely off guard.

  • If you work internationally, take a look at this article, which makes the case for addressing racism here at home.

  • The National Museum of African American History & Culture has created some tools to use for yourself and others when talking about race, including the exploration of bias.

  • Ladies, check out The White Shift, which exists to “connect and activate a community of white presenting women to do the personal work it takes to uproot racism and build power for Black and Brown communities.”

  • This creative “Justice in June” plan allows you to take bite-sized actions toward becoming an ally for the African American community, and can be utilized any month you’re ready to get started.

  • Here is an extensive resource list by Tasha K, sorted by categories and topics for both personal and professional use.

  • Get in the fight, but protect your mental health. This is hard internal work, but it takes a toll, even for the biggest of allies. Injustice needs you at your best.

Bradley Tomlinson

“Racism and racial injustice, at their core, are issues of dehumanization. Before engaging in racial justice, it's essential for those in the White community to expose the implicit bias and dehumanizing sentiment they may have in their hearts. Otherwise, we are just putting a Band-Aid on the problem.” 

- Bradley Tomlinson, Director of Content Strategy at Orchard

Improving Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

You and your team spend so many hours of your lives working, and everyone deserves to feel seen, heard, welcomed, and safe at your nonprofit or social enterprise.

resources for the executive team

Lauren Dawson

“The workplace has a unique influence on each of our lives, and has huge potential to help us grow as teams and individuals - just as much as it has the potential to limit behaviors and possibilities. In this moment, we're seeing a societal awakening to realities that have been all too common for far too long, so its imperative for leaders to reconsider what's normal and reset their expectations for themselves and their teams, to truly realize the power of diversity and a thriving economy.”

- Lauren Dawson, Senior Program Manager, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at LinkedIn

Hiring and Human Resources

Tonya Cornileus

“Human Resources plays an important role in creating people and culture strategies that support business success and the employee experience. In this time of racial unrest, HR is being called upon to create safe spaces where brave and inclusive conversations can occur. At ESPN, the diversity and inclusion team and employee resource groups have hosted numerous conversations that give employees the opportunity to share the pain of racial and social injustice in the United States and their hope for a better future. Our employees have also shared ways in which our company can be better in creating a more inclusive culture. These conversations are vital, and I am so proud that we have a culture where employees speak up and leaders listen and support. I hope HR practitioners across organizations are creating these safe spaces for their employees, listening, and committing to the change we all want to see.” 

- Dr. Tonya Harris Cornileus, Vice President, Development, Inclusion & Wellness, ESPN

Marketing and Communications

Angela Halan

“It is critically important to me that my customers and their children see themselves in my brand. Not simply on a physical level, but more importantly, on a level of relatable cultural discoveries. My desire is for Aboki Box to be a direct channel to grow cultural IQ, so that children learn about a group of people and develop stronger sensitivity to cultural diversity. It’s important to me that my brand, in some way, empowers our leaders of tomorrow to educate, celebrate, and recognize our diversity. This will make us stronger, as individuals and as global citizens, so that we can make a difference in the communities in which we live.”

- Angela Halan, founder of Aboki Box

Leading a Team

  • Host a watch party or book club to get everyone involved and participating. Esquire put together a list of 10 movies to start with, while TED has you covered with inspiring talks, and The Good Trade has a list of 21 recommended books. Better yet, why not let your team vote on their preference to keep engagement high?

  • If you are White, pass the mic to a BIPOC, elevating their voice on the team and showcasing their authority on a topic they already understand better than you do. Just be sure that 1) this isn’t the only time they get the mic, and 2) they have the emotional bandwidth to lead at this time.

  • Allow employees time to reflect or protest. And provide them with this guide on how to stay safe while protesting.

  • Instead of just “checking in” on your Black team members, take this time as an opportunity to do three things.

Kevin Jennings

“Leaders should first develop a process for collecting ideas and feedback that gives every team member a voice. Whether it be a survey or poll about new initiative, or an official structure for brainstorm meetings, build processes and systems that include everyone. Second, change your hiring process to expand the diversity of candidates. Require two or three online applicants for every candidate referred by an employee. Require each job opening be posted on jobs of HBCUs and other institutions or trade organizations with predominantly non-White constituents. This also should be done to attract candidates of various genders and ages (I.e generations).

Ultimately, you can’t benefit from other perspectives if you don’t have access to them and you don’t ask for them.”

- Kevin Jennings, CEO of KBJ2 Consulting

Trainings and Facilitated Discussions

Networking and Events

Work Culture

Kaleem Clarkson

“During the latest #BlackLivesMatter movement, we have seen a lot of organizations scramble to release statements and programs externally, without first listening to their employees, especially their employees of color, about how they feel about social injustice in 2020. Especially when your workforce is remote or distributed, a culture of inclusion becomes even more important so that all of your employees are engaged. Then, during times of adversity, engaged employees will make it so that your company is better prepared to respond to social issues with empathy and transparency.”

- Kaleem Clarkson, Co-founder of Blend Me and Remotely One

Give Your Time, Talent, and Treasure (and Get Your Team Involved!)

Enrique Alvarez

“As Derek Sivers very clearly mentions in his TED talk, How to Start a Movement, ‘Leadership is over-glorified. It is really the first followers that transform a lone nut into a leader.’ At Vector, we understand that the only way to be truly authentic and fully committed to our culture and values is to listen, learn, and accept daily feedback from everyone in our company. Be accountable, brutally honest, and expect the same from everyone else—no matter how senior or junior anyone is.

Change moves at the speed of trust. So, unless everyone is engaged and intimately involved in all big initiatives and/or decisions, the depth of our relationship as a team will not be where it needs to be to trust each other and make such a unique, results-based work culture.

We are all in this together, and the main reason everyone is okay in doubling down on our culture is because we openly share every aspect of our company, from salaries to personal challenges, from cash flow statements to profitability, from investments to setbacks. More importantly, trusting each other has allowed us to be OK making mistakes and this is probably one of the key reasons we will continue to grow and succeed in such a demanding industry like logistics.”

- Enrique Alvarez, Managing Director at Vector Global Logistics

Examples in Action

Need some inspiration for how your company can positively and thoughtfully respond to this issue?

  • Read how The Center for Health Progress made racial equity a priority for their all White staff and board.

  • Sephora is donating 15% of its shelf space to Black-owned businesses.

  • United Auto Workers organized “peaceful and orderly stand downs” on Juneteenth. While we can all agree an organization’s efforts need to go beyond a moment of silence, statement, or social media post, this is one way all employees can participate and helps them see the company’s priorities in action.

  • Ben & Jerry’s has a long history of putting their money where their mouth is, and they are a great example of how any type of brand can get involved in issues they care about.

  • National Geographic first acknowledged their coverage was racist, and then they did something about it.

  • There is a big push to make Juneteenth a national holiday, but Target made the decision on its own.

  • The Communications Network has put together multiple examples of responses from nonprofits and foundations (that anyone can learn from), and they’ve discussed why they’re effective and provided links for deeper learning.

  • Learn from these companies who took a stand, but didn’t immediately follow it up with action.

  • Buffer posted their guidelines for event planning, speaking, and sponsorships to both convey their internal policies as well as serve as an example to others.

  • The President and CEO of Living Cities explained the racial injustice he found in his own nonprofit, and steps they are taking to rectify it.

Consider Your Business Relationships

Who do you do business with? How do your partners model diversity, inclusion, and racial justice? Do you engage vendors and partners that are BIPOC-owned?

Soumaya Khalifa

”Our world has become a village with clients, future employees, and business partners across the globe. For organizations to be successful in providing solutions to their customers, they need to know what their diverse customers and clients' needs are, the market itself, and so much more. Similarly, to gain a competitive edge, these same organizations must compete for talent. However, getting talent in the door is not good enough. Organizations have to support a variety of cultures, which invites talent to be their best. Therefore, creating diverse partnerships provides organizations with many benefits, including tapping into their customer’s needs, getting the best talent, and making a name for themselves in the marketplace.”

- Soumaya Khalifa, Cross Cultural and Diversity and Inclusion Consultant and President of Khalifa Consulting

Racial EquITY Resources Specifically for Nonprofits

Because we focus specifically on nonprofits a lot around here, I wanted to make sure there was a special category for these beloved organizations.

Resources Specifically for Faith-Based Organizations

As a person of faith who works with a lot of Christian ministries, I wanted to include this special category for those seeking racial reconciliation through the lens of their spirituality.

Did I miss something that should be included? Let me know!


Whether you are still trying to understand why “Black Lives Matter” or you are trying to figure out how your nonprofit or social impact company should respond at this critical time in history, here are some tools and resources to equip you on this j…

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits and Social Impact Companies

There’s no question about it: Our world has changed. As we grapple with the reality of COVID-19, we are all struggling to keep up—not just as individuals, but as nonprofit leaders and business owners.

Fear and anxiety are high. Supplies feel scarce. Distraction is in overdrive.

And yet, our world needs your work more than ever.

You are the best of us.
You are the inspirers, the problem-solvers, the helpers.
You may be small, but you are mighty.

According to the Small Business Administration, 99% of businesses in the United States are small businesses, and this includes nonprofits. Of those, 88% have less than 20 employees. In fact, small businesses employ almost half of the private US workforce.

This means that nonprofits, social enterprises, and social impact companies are vital, not only to our lives, but our culture. So, during this challenging time, how can you succeed when on some days, the odds may feel stacked against you?

Here is my curated list of funding options, marketing and communications resources, current discounts and opportunities, as well as tips for running your business online in this brave, new coronavirus world. I hope this serves as a life preserver during this unprecedented season. And take heart, friends, it is just a season.

By the way, in case someone hasn’t told you today: Thank you for what you do. It matters.

COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits, Social Enterprises, and Social Impact Companies

Financial Resources for Nonprofits, Social Impact Companies, and Small Businesses

Many of us will take a financial hit during COVID-19, so if you need financial assistance, here are some resources to help keep the proverbial doors open and lights on.

Tips on Working From Home and Running Your Business Online

New to working from home? Or working from home with a house full of kids, partners, spouses, and pets? Here are some ideas to keep you productive.

  • Besides toilet paper, I should’ve bought stock in Zoom. If you’re just getting familiar with the platform, they’re hosting a few webinars to get you up to speed.

  • Here’s a great, to-the-point guide from The Skimm. I especially like that they included tips for staying on the same page as your boss.

  • Hypepotamus put together this list for startups, but the advice is applicable to just about any business.

  • Here’s some advice for hiring employees and running meetings online.

  • The Management Team has provided input for how to manage a team remotely.

  • Is your motivation waning during this extended time at home? We have some advice.

  • If you have the time and ability, this might be a fantastic opportunity for a business retreat. (I take them quarterly.) There’s no time to plan like the present, right?

  • Harvard Business Reviewe answered 15 popular work from home questions. Is one of them yours?

  • Trying to decide between Google Hangouts and Zoom for your online meetings? Click the link for a breakdown.

  • This Fast Company article has some stellar advice from the perspective of a CEO, including how to reinforce your mission, vision, and values.

  • Here are some good tips from NPR, including addressing managing expectations and knowing your own limitations, both of which are super important.

  • Share the joy. Have you been enjoying all the free-flowing memes online lately? Even though many of you work on serious issues, take a moment to share a laugh with your team. Having fun together matters, too.

  • Still trying to figure out what your response should be from a business perspective? Silver Lining has a “Business Unusual” workbook to walk you through possible answers.

  • Once co-working spaces open back up, should you move your team there? Here are some pros and cons.

  • CocoFax put together a list of over 500 remote working tools to help you be more productive and efficient.

  • put together a guide specifically for disabled entrepreneurs who want to start a business.

  • This work from home guide explains how to set up your office space for both productivity and comfort.

  • OutwitTrade asked dozens of individuals for their work from home trips, and there are some great pieces of advice that I haven’t seen mentioned in other spots, such as: “Start working when you’d normally start your commute, not when you’d normally get to the office. Then you’ll have extra time for interruptions.”

  • Novoresume has not just tips for working from home, but how to find a remote job, and expected salaries for some remote jobs.

  • Need tech support for your Mac while working from home? One of these 17 tips might just be the support ticket you need . . . without the wait.

  • Obviously, I’m a big fan of communication, but it doesn’t always work the same with remote teams. Here are six tips for effective remote communication.

Marketing Resources

While many small businesses and nonprofits have had to shutter their doors during the coronavirus, sadly, there are still a lot of us who are working. That means, you still need to let people know about your products and services—hello, marketing! Here’s how to get the word out.

  • With everyone at home and online, this is an excellent time to improve your website!

  • Crisis or not, here are my tips for how to make time for marketing.

  • This is amazing advice from Hootsuite’s Vice President of Corporate Marketing on how to pivot your social strategy. I also love this quote by him, “Employees will remember leaders who led. Customers will remember who showed up, what we said, and how we helped them.”

  • Here’s an awesome resource list for event planners, complete with examples to follow, if you need to cancel an event or move it online.

  • My friend, Meg Casebolt, wants to make sure you get found online while everyone is at home, so she’s hosting free SEO workshops during March and April.

  • The Adobe Digital Summit will be held for free on March 31st!

  • If your cause is particularly relevant to the coronavirus conversation, this might be a great time to engage an influencer or get some good press. (Pro tip: If you’ve been previously featured in the media, reach back out to the journalist to see if you can help them again. Everyone is scrambling for relevant and helpful content!)

  • Since you’re home (and everyone else is, too), this might be a good time to start a YouTube Channel.

  • Improve your social media strategy with the use of hashtags. There are certainly lots of new ones popping up these days!

  • Here’s my Marketing Q&A: Coronavirus Edition held on Facebook Live, where I answered some of the questions I’ve been getting over the last couple of weeks.

  • The Social Enterprise Alliance gives you four steps for navigating COVID-19 as a social enterprise.

  • Vincit will create a free e-commerce roadmap that includes a strategy, tech resource recommendations, UX recommendations, and a consultation.

  • Here are 10 things you can do right now for your marketing and communications, including diagnosing whether your organization is candy, a vitamin, or a painkiller.

  • Don’t forget all the marketing and communications resources readily available on this site! We want to equip and empower nonprofits, social enterprises, and social impact companies everywhere. :)

Crisis Communications

How do you communicate with donors, customers, partners, and sponsors during tragedy or uncertain times?

  • My favorite COVID-19 email (is that okay to say?) came from Tiff’s Treats, and it came in the first wave of businesses talking about their response. I loved it because it took a positive stance. It doesn’t downplay the seriousness of the issue, but it does also talk about the good stuff coming out of a bad situation. I think more people should take their lead, and I think cause-focused organizations are in a unique position to follow suit. (Oh, and if you haven’t had their cookies yet, their chocolate chip variety is my favorite on the planet.)

  • Are you a Wikipedia devotee like me? If so, check out their insanely proactive response back at the beginning of March. I also love how it’s written, like a letter to friends.

  • 3BL is offering free press releases services for social impact organizations communicating about COVID-19

  • Here are some strategies for communicating the coronavirus internally and externally, as well as examples you can follow.

  • I thought Lyft had a great response to model. It’s heartfelt, informative, action-oriented, and easy to read.

  • This post on the Public Relations Society of America blog gives a quick overview to get you up to speed quickly on talking about the pandemic.

  • Here are seven ways to build trust with your customers and donors during the outbreak.

  • The CDC has provided communications resources for us all to use, including print resources, videos, and images.

  • SCORE has created a handy checklist for creating a crisis communications plan.

  • Smarterqueue, the software I use for social scheduling (read my review here), has some tips on how to adjust your social strategy.

  • Honeybook will walk you through 18 steps to create a business continuity plan.

  • This is a good example from L.L.Bean, which speaks to the values of their company.

  • TalkWalker has laid out a very in-depth view of PR for you, including several crisis communication templates.

  • Engage for Good has a roundup of stats and studies for social impact organizations, which can help provide data for your response.

  • Be sensitive, understanding, and responsive. Here’s how Hershey’s pivoted quickly, which is a good example. However, I’ve seen people shaming brands for social posts, commercials, emails, and more, which frankly, I think is overreacting at times. Why? Because these things were probably scheduled weeks, days, or even months in advance. So, let’s all do what we can, and also show some grace while we all try and figure this out, especially as news is changing day-by-day. You may need someone to show you grace down the line.

  • Pathos Labs has created a playbook of 19 tips for influencers, explaining how they can talk with their audience about the crisis.

Software Discounts and Resources

Lots of companies are offering longer free trials and discounts. Be sure to check in with all of your favorites, or those you’ve been wanting to try.

  • First, here’s a list of resources, software, and more that I use and recommend.

  • Conscious Capitalism has moved their April conference online—and is giving it away for free!

  • My friend Christina at The Contract Shop is offering 20% off of her legal contracts and templates through April 10th.

  • Hootsuite is offering their Professional plan for free to small businesses and nonprofits until July 1st.

  • Calendly is offering free Zoom and GoToMeeting integrations through June. And let me take a moment to say, if you are not using a scheduling software like Calendly or Acuity yet, please do yourself a favor and create an account! Minimize those back-and-forth emails about scheduling meetings.

  • Loom, which is what I use for screen and video recording, is cutting prices, extending trials, and even offering free accounts for educators and students.

  • Many cell phone carriers are opening up free Wifi hotspot access at this time. Get the full scoop on what telephone and internet providers are doing here.

  • Take a look at all the ways Shopify is helping its customers with their online and in-person storefronts.

  • A few female-founded brands are doing a big giveaway for Women’s History Month, including Edgar, a social media scheduling service.

  • 1Password, the software I use to generate and store my passwords, is offering six free months of 1Password Business.

  • Google (G Suite) is making some features that are normally reserved for Enterprise customers available to all accounts through July 1st.

  • Forbes put together this fantastic list of free software you can use during the crisis. Some of these are already my favs!

  • Mailchimp is offering free services to those with paid accounts. Your application must be submitted by April 30th.

  • Google is providing free ad credits for select small and medium business accounts.

  • Hypepotamus has a list of discounts, resources, leadership advice, and financial links for Southern startups.

  • Don’t have a graphic designer on staff? You can get a bevy of free poster templates, social media images, graphics, and more from Canva, Unsplash, and PosterMyWall.

  • Sparkhouse is offering to make a free video for local small businesses, in order to help them get the word out.

  • Need to build a new website or improve the one you’ve got? Jottful will provide you with a free, online roadmap.

  • With all of your employees working remotely, you may need to increase employee engagement and retention. Clarity Wave is giving you a free, three-month trial of their software to do just that.

  • If you’re hiring right now, ShareAble for Hires is offering free pre-employment background checks to small businesses through July 31st. Get great people back to work!

Resources Specifically for Nonprofits

Hooray—lots of places already offer nonprofit discounts. But, now more than ever, you might be able to find freebies and offers that work in your favor.

Additional Resources

Looking for personal resources? I’ve got you covered over at my personal blog. Here are my ideas for making the best of the coronavirus at home. Why not stay positive, right?

And my friend who contracted COVID-19 has been sharing her advice and tips for getting through the coronavirus with friends informally on Facebook, so I took them and created a blog post on my personal blog (with her permission). It’s helpful to hear her first-hand perspective, as well as some things we aren’t regularly hearing in the media.

Did I miss something important? I’ll be updating it as we get through this situation. Leave it in the comments, or email me at:

And since we’re all in this together, would you mind sharing this post with someone who may need this information?


Nonprofits, social enterprises, and social impact companies are vital, not only to our lives, but our culture. So, during this challenging time, how can you succeed when the odds may feel stacked against you? Here is my curated list of resources, in…

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Impact Websites

Outside of your people, your website is your nonprofit or social enterprise’s greatest marketing asset. It’s also one of the most important tools you have to help you make a bigger social impact. In fact, it’s so important that we’re going to look at it from just about every angle.

From what you should do before you create or update your website, to writing and designing it, to how to promote it after going live, this is your ultimate guide to social impact websites.

It’s time to build and engage a larger audience, increase your sales or donations, and do more good. This is one tool to help you do just that.

Programming note: Because this is such an important topic, we’ll be talking about social enterprise and nonprofit websites for the next couple of months. As the blog gets updated, this post will be expanded as well.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Impact Websites

Below you’ll find some of our favorite topics to think about when it comes to social impact websites. Whether you’re starting from scratch or updating your site, this information will help you take the next, right step.

Before You Begin Working on Your Social Impact Website

Why Your Social Impact Mission Isn't Enough

For your mission to not only engage the right people, but compel them to act, you need to ensure that you have a clearly defined brand message and brand voice. You may think of your “brand” as only part of your marketing, but your brand informs what you say, how you say it, and what your mission looks like visually. It’s essential to every aspect of your organization.

Read the post . . .

Benefits of a Nonprofit Brand Voice Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if your donors gave you more money? And new donors were easier to attract and engage? There will certainly be times when donors change their giving priorities, don’t connect with the mission, or the timing is just off, but there are other times when it’s possible that we confuse them with our message or don’t give them a clear plan to act. So, what’s the best way to help donors understand and respond to your needs?

Read the post . . .

Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience determines how you communicate your message. Whether you’re talking about your website overall, or individual pages, it’s important to think about the reader first. Consider both the “who” and the “how”.

Read the post . . .

3 Exercises for Evaluating Your Brand Story

Your brand story is the narrative that you use to describe your organization and how it came to be, who you serve and how you serve them, goals for the future, what you stand for, and even the emotions that your mission makes people feel. Your brand story is what helps people decide if they want to take the next step with you.

Read the post . . .


Squarespace: The Pros and Cons

No website platform is perfect, but I’ve been very happy with Squarespace. Madison Beaulieu, half of the dynamic duo that created Signify’s website, breaks down the most important things you need to know about this option.

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WordPress: The Pros and Cons

Alison Chandler is one of my go-to designers. In this post, she highlights why about 30% of the websites in world are hosted on Wordpress, and why it may be a good option for you.

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OVERALL TWEAKS For Your Nonprofit website

The Small Nonprofit Podcast: 10 Steps to Upgrading Your Website

Listen to my friend, Cindy Wagman, and I discuss the importance of nonprofit websites, how they contribute to your nonprofit’s marketing, and some tweaks you can make to improve your site quickly and efficiently.

Listen in . . .


Ask the Experts: Design and Branding for Social Impact Organizations

As a copywriter, I love talking words. But, in order to serve you well, I can’t ignore the visual side of your marketing and communications. So, when it comes to design and branding for social impact organizations, I can dish out some pretty good advice, but my secret weapon is the company I keep—including Jaci Lund of Treebird Branding.

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Ask the Experts: Branding and Design for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises

I get complements on my website and visual branding all the time, and that’s thanks to Madison and Dusty Beaulieu. Madison wrote this post, and I love how she breaks down some important design topics that often trip people up.

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Want Your Social Impact Website to Look Good? Start Here.

Does your nonprofit or social enterprise website look like it’s worthy of the dollars you’re asking people for, or does it look like you’re still trying to get your act together? Let’s talk about a simple tool that will help you look like a million bucks (even if you aren’t). Without it, your organization can unknowingly communicate that you’re an amateur.

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4 Tips for How to Become a Better Writer

As a copywriter with almost two decades of experience, one of the questions I get asked a lot is how to become a better writer. From grant proposals to product descriptions to blog posts to websites and more, you have a lot to say, and it needs to be said well in order to gain more support for your nonprofit or social enterprise. Learning how to convince and compel with the written word is not just an essential skill, but one that stands the test of time.

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Advice From The Editors: Avoid These Writing Mistakes

I asked a few of my favorite editors to explain some common writing mistakes, which will allow you to spot any weaknesses you may have, and improve them. (Basically, here's how you can up your writing game in just a few minutes!) Any corrections you can catch now may cause you to not only improve your marketing, but retain customers and donors in the future.

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7 Tips You Need to Know to Write a Better Website

Designing and writing content for your website can seem challenging, but my former intern, Megan Westbrook, is going to walk you through the most important, and sometimes overlooked, aspects that will make your website effective, navigable, and memorable.

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How to Rewrite Your Website in One Week

In this guest post for Candid (formerly Foundation Center and Grantspace), I outlined a simple process for rewriting your website in one week. Though written to nonprofits, anyone can make good use of this process. It’s an audacious goal, I know, but if you’re short on time and highly determined, you can make it happen!

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Why The Words On Your Site Matter As Much As the Design

In this guest post, I emphasize why you should not only consider the look of your website, but what it says. I also give you a few tips on how to make the copy (<— the words on your site) even better. And, yes, there are some budget-friendly options!

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Marketing Must-Haves

8 Creative Ways to Gain More Email Subscribers

Between all the blogs, online shops, and websites, all of our inboxes are already crowded with marketing emails asking for sales and donations, and the old classic “Sign up for my newsletter!” call to action just isn’t cutting it anymore. Here are eight creative alternative ways to get new email subscribers and not get sent to spam.

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5 Donor Communication Essentials

No matter what type of donor you are talking to, nonprofits need to consistently communicate with donors, while at the same time targeting the specific message that prompted the donor to initially become engaged. Keeping everyone informed may very well graduate them from one level of supporter to another. Thanks to Amy Crowell for this post!

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4 Ways to Help Donors and Customers Find Your Social Impact Mission on Google

Now that the initial excitement of your nonprofit or social enterprise launch has worn off, your website isn't getting as many clicks as you’d like and it seems that all your marketing efforts are falling flat. You know that you have the power to change lives, but people just aren’t finding you. What if I told you there’s a way to help more people find your amazing cause online?

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5+ Reasons Why No One is Reading Your Blog

Does this sound familiar: Someone lands on your little labor of love, maybe skims a little, and then promptly leaves. Here you find yourself with a blog post that took precious time and energy, but didn't actually get the job done. It's finished, but it's not effective. Here are a few blog writing tips that will help ensure your post gets read, and better yet, acted on. 

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How to Generate and Organize Content for Your Blog

Blogging is the “meat and potatoes” of the internet right now and, if it’s not already, it should be an important tool in your content marketing tool belt. Blogging builds your audience, brand image, and increases your visibility on the internet. It’s also a very easy and practical way to show off your expertise. Check out this advice from former intern, Michael Banks, on how to revamp your organization’s blog, and make it a regular part of your social enterprise or nonprofit marketing strategy.

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Should Your Nonprofit Have a Blog?

Blogs seem to be a particular pain point for nonprofits. There is either pressure to create the content (and resentment when it doesn’t happen), or so much overwhelm with regular responsibilities that a blog never gets off the ground. So, what are you to do?

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12 Questions That Inspire Content Creation

You know you should be reaching out to your audience on a regular basis, but you’re just not sure what to say. It’s a common problem, and one I get asked about a lot. Coming up with a constant stream of topics can be daunting, especially with everything else on your plate. So, where can you find inspiration at any given moment—especially when you’re not feeling it?

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Outsourcing Your Website COPYWRITING OR DESIGN

Should You Invest in a Copywriter For Your Nonprofit Website?

Do you actually need a copywriter for your nonprofit website? If you’re creating your first site, or relaunching a new one, this question may have already popped into your head. And just because I’m a copywriter that specializes in nonprofits, social enterprises, and social impact companies, my answer is not going to be an automatic, “Yes.”

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Why Free Help Isn't Always the Best Option

Just because someone offers to help you write or design your website for free doesn’t mean you should take them up on the offer. Let me explain why.

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Want to Grow Your Nonprofit or Social Enterprise? You Need Help.

It's not easy to decide to spend the money, allocate your resources differently, or bring someone new into your process. But I believe this one decision can make all the difference. And guess what? It may not even require hiring more staff.

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Legal Considerations For Your Website

2 Simple Ways to Keep Your Website and Work Protected

While this may not be the most exciting topic to discuss, it’s super important! You need to protect the time, money, and effort you’ve put into your website. Besides, you have your mission to think about, not to mention the secret sauce of the way you work. There’s also any proprietary photography and other assets. It’s all those details that add up to your beautiful and unique brand. Let attorney Christina Scalera explain why you shouldn’t leave your website unprotected.

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Promoting Your New Social Impact Website

Signify’s Launch Marketing Checklist

Having a beautiful, new website isn’t the final step. At the end of the process, you should promote the gorgeous thing to your donors, customers, and key stakeholders. This checklist has pages of marketing ideas for exactly how you can share your big news.

Get the checklist . . .

How to Make Time for Marketing

Need to promote your new website, but always find that something else takes priority? Here are four of my favorite ways to make your marketing actually happen.

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Get Found on Google

My friend, Meg Casebolt, can teach your nonprofit or social impact company how to get found on Google through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Though SEO can get pretty complicated, Meg is a patient and caring teacher, and shows beginners how to become pros through simple and strategic steps. I want you to have a terrific website, but I also want your website to get found by the right customers and donors.

Learn about Attract & Activate . . .

We’ll be posting a lot more about nonprofit, social enterprise, and social impact websites over the next few months, and will update this post along the way. Stay tuned!


Updating or creating a new social enterprise or nonprofit website? Here are oodles of resources to not only help you design a gorgeous site, but have a bigger social impact.

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.