Guest Posts

4 Ways to Help Donors and Customers Find Your Social Impact Mission on Google

Getting found by your ideal customers and donors on Google . . . it’s the Holy Grail, isn’t it? It’s one of the main reasons you created your website, but you quickly learned that it isn’t a “build it and they will come” scenario.

Or, is it?

While it’s not easy and it does take time, there is one method that you can’t overlook if you want your nonprofit or social enterprise to show up on that coveted first page of Google: Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

By this point in Internet history, you’ve probably heard the term, but you may be lost as to what it is and how to make it work for your mission. I know I was. For several years, I tried to learn from the latest guru but kept getting overwhelmed and scratching my head—until I met Meg Casebolt of Love At First Search.

Meg is the first person to make SEO click for me, and she’s going to break down some of the basics for you below. If you start to put her advice into action, you will see results. After taking her course, I have seen a steady uptick in new leads and clients from Google! And it’s exciting every single time.

Your work deserves more attention and with Meg’s advice, you can help ideal customers and donors find your social impact mission on Google.

4 Ways to Help Donors and Customers Find Your Social Impact Mission on Google

Let me guess, when you first announced your nonprofit or social enterprise and launched your website, you expected people to come to you in flocks. And maybe they did . . . at first! Who wouldn’t? You’re awesome and you believe in what you do, and it’s having an impact on the world! 

But now that the initial excitement has worn off, your social media channels aren’t getting as many clicks as you’d like and it seems that all your efforts are falling flat. You know that you have the power to change lives, but people just aren’t finding you.

What if I told you there’s a way to help more people find your amazing cause online?

When people want something, they search for it, and if you set your website up correctly, it can show up around the clock to lead them to learn more about your cause. The secret to getting those new leads from Google? It’s called search engine optimization, or SEO.

I know it might sound intimidating or even a little sketchy (we all get those spammy emails!), but I promise that the SEO tactics below are all based in solid business practices. Good SEO, applied to your blog posts in particular, will help every part of your online presence so that more people are aware of the beneficial work you’re doing.

Wait, What is SEO?

To put it simply, SEO is a collection of activities to improve the amount and quality of organic traffic reaching your website from search engines. It’s the way that people find answers to their questions on traditional search engines (like Google, Bing, and Yahoo) and also on sites you may not think of as search engines (like YouTube, Pinterest, eBay, and Amazon) and even industry specific directories like Charity Navigator or Guidestar by Candid.

Optimizing for search means that you’re trying to get search engines like Google—the world’s most popular search engine—to see your website and blog posts or other content as both knowledgeable and trustworthy, and to lead people to it quickly and efficiently.

And the combination of more people finding you plus being seen as knowledgeable and trustworthy means an increase in sales or donations.

There are three main components of SEO:

  1. Content (pages, blogs, videos, podcast show notes, infographics, etc.)

    Search engines are constantly reviewing new and fresh content on the internet. When someone types in an online query, Google searches through a huge index of text and tries to find content that has the information they’re looking for. 

    When it comes to content, a major part of the SEO process is keyword research (aka figuring out what people are searching for) by finding the intersection of:

    • What you want to be found for

    • What people are searching for

    • What doesn’t already have a gazillion results

  2. Ease of Use

    When search engines deliver results, they want people to get the answers they’re looking for quickly and easily. So, if your site takes forever to load, is hard to read on a phone, or has tons of dead-end links, Google doesn’t want to share those results with people. Search engines want to recommend sites that not only answer people’s questions but also look good doing it—just like you, hot stuff!

  3. Reputation

    Google relies on other sites to tell it how credible and trustworthy your site is. So, how do other sites give you the digital equivalent of upvotes? By linking to your site. And for once, the SEO gods have given us an easy-to-understand term for this: backlinks

    Backlinks are any links from other sites to yours. The best backlinks come from websites in your industry that have high authority (aka they have a lot of backlinks going into their site).

You can write the best blog post in the world and have the smoothest user experience, but if nobody trusts you? Womp womp, sad trombones.

What are some easy ways to get great backlinks for your nonprofit? Sign up for popular directories like Guidestar by Candid and Charity Navigator, post your job listings on Idealist, write guest blog posts for the Chronicle of Philanthropy or Nonprofit Quarterly . . . and make sure they all link to your website.

For you guys in the social enterprise space, you can become a member of the Social Enterprise Alliance, register as a B Corp, participate in 1% for the Planet, or any other number of organizations that have trusted online directories.

Even more PR-related opportunities like being a guest on a podcast (that has online show notes) or being listed as a speaker on a conference website helps to build those coveted backlinks.

Local SEO for Nonprofits and Social Enterprise Businesses

If you serve a specific geographic area with your services, you also want to consider Local SEO tactics. 

The first step for Local SEO is to set up a free Google My Business account, where you can easily tell Google where you’re located (if you have a brick and mortar location) and/or where your service area is (if you’re a home-based business or meet your clients at another location), as well as what you offer and who you serve.

Google My Business is a great tool not only for you to directly share your business information with Google, but also to solicit feedback from your clients, who can add reviews and user-generated content like photos directly to your account. This would then allow searchers to see them in Google Maps and/or local listings . . . like the B Corp company that installed our solar panels, which shows up in search results for terms like “green energy rochester ny.”

But how do you FIND those phrases that people might be looking for? 

Keyword Research for Cause-Focused Organizations

You probably already have some ideas for topics you could show up for like “educational charity atlanta” or “community gardening initiative” or “microfinance for poverty alleviation.” And you might have those words plastered all over your website. 

But is that really what your people are looking for? How do you know what they’re typing into Google?

Simple: keyword research. 

Keywords are the phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines.

And often, the words that WE use (as people who deeply understand and care about our missions) are different from the words that new people search. 

For example, TOMS shoes starts their website with “we’re in the business to improve lives,” but do you know what keywords their traffic actually comes from? Keywords like “booties” (they get ~5000 visitors/mo from that), “wedges” (3500 visitors/mo). And “slip on shoes” (~2500 visitors/mo).

And it’s not just those large categories that TOMS shows up for . . . they also get about 75 people per month for “black canvas shoes” and 65 for “captain america shoes.” 

Those people aren’t specifically looking for TOMS because of their mission or corporate giving program, they just need new shoes, and it’s not until people get to the website that they find out about the company’s social impact. That’s not necessarily what they’re searching for, but it might be why they trust the company and want to buy once they discover it.

Here are three steps to help you get started with keyword research:

  1. See what people are asking about your topic

    The best way to answer people’s questions is to go to the places they’re asking them and look for trends. So poke around the web! How do you know what phrases people are actually searching for once they get to Google? Easy! Use a keyword research tool.
    Type your topic into an idea generator tool like Answer the Public or Also Asked to get some fun ideas of the types of things people are looking for. 

  2. Find the right keyword phrases

    One of the best free keyword research tools is Ubersuggest. It gives a ton of keyword research data to you—for free—in a user-friendly way. Using a tool like this, you can do some research on the keywords and topics you want to get out to the world and get an idea of how many people are searching for it. You can also get an idea of the SEO difficulty of these keywords, or how competitive that search term is. The lower the number, the easier it is to rank for that search term.

  3. Choose 1 primary keyword and 2-3 secondary keywords

    In order to be super clear with Google about your topic or expertise, you should choose ONE KEYWORD that is most important to your end goal so that your writing has something to focus on. Then, you can sprinkle a few other keywords throughout your writing to make sure Google knows that they’re related. 

    If you’re having trouble narrowing down a keyword, don’t worry about it! Select a group of keywords for a specific post, and then if you find other keywords you like, write another post to talk about those!

You can create as much content as you’d like, and you can rank for infinitely keywords. The Red Cross has over 300,000 keywords pointing to over 10,000 pages on their site—heck, they have 14,000 keywords just about CPR!—so don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to a top three for your entire site. 

Keyword selection criteria

How do you select a good keyword, you might ask? For my visual learners, these are the three qualities of a good keyword. We’re aiming for that sweet spot in the middle). 

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And here are some examples of how detailed your search terms can be, so you can start thinking about the level of detail that you need to rank for a high volume, low competition keyword:


Let’s take a look at what comes up when we search for “social impact” in Ubersuggest.


Here, we see that people are indeed searching for “social impact,” and we can see all the important metrics. VOLUME is the average monthly number of people searching that phrase, CPC and PD are about how many people are running Google Ads and how much they’re paying, and SD is “search difficulty” (how easy it would be to rank for that term).  

So when you’re looking at these numbers: The higher the volume number the better, and the lower the “SD” (aka SEO difficulty, aka competition) number, the better.

And if we search “social responsibility,” as seen below, we have even better volume numbers, meaning more people are looking for content relating to social responsibility! So, you may want to focus on a blog more catered to this topic.

Alright, so you’ve done your research and you have a keyword now, but I bet you’re wondering where it should go on your site or in your blog . . .


Where Do I PUT the Keyword in My Content? 

There are seven key places where you can include your keyword in the text of your website and your content. You should aim to include it in all these places, but if it doesn’t quite fit into one, it’s okay. It’s more important to be easy to read than to have the perfect placement.

  1. Your SEO title (the blue text in search results)

  2. Your URL slug (the part after the domain)

  3. Meta description (the black text in search results)

  4. Headline (the title of your post and your H1 headline)

  5. In a subheading (H2-H6: you can have as many of these as you want)

  6. In your image description(s) as an “alt” tag

  7. Sprinkled throughout the body copy

The most important place to include your keyword is your SEO title, which is the blue text that shows up on the search engine results page. You want to include a keyword, but also write a title that people actually want to click on! 

I like to use CoSchedule’s Headline Studio to double check my post headlines (and email subject lines) to make sure they’re the right length, follow a great format (lists and questions do well for SEO titles), and include powerful word choices that make people more likely to click. 

 If you can’t immediately convince people who see your site on Google to click on it, it doesn’t matter how good your content is! You have to make an immediate impression. And your SEO Title will do just that.

Questions to Ask Before You Write a Single Word

Now, before you go writing a few pages and invest hours into your next blog post (or whatever content you plan to create) to promote your stellar social enterprise or nonprofit, ask yourself these four questions to get clear about how that content can get found on Google and turn your readers into customers or donors:  

  1. Why does my audience need to know this?

    If you can’t identify why you’re writing the post: don’t write it. BUT. If you can pinpoint the problem that you’re solving or advice you’re giving your reader by writing a post? By all means, continue.

  2. How is this different from existing content on this topic?

    You’re probably not the first person to write about whatever is on your mind. But you do have a unique point of view to share with your audience. Take a look around at what’s being written by other people in your industry. Think of a new approach to what’s already been said. Showcase what makes you different.

  3. How can it help me when someone finds this?

    Remember, everything on your website should help lead the reader to becoming a customer or donor. What’s the end product, service, or mission that your audience needs or should know about? 

  4. What do I want the reader to do after reading?

    What’s the goal of this post? What will be the Call to Action (CTA) for the reader to thank you for generously sharing your awesomeness? Should they make a donation, buy a product, subscribe to your newsletter, or attend your event? Make sure everything you write is leading to that CTA.

Going the Extra Mile: A Quick SEO Blog Checklist

Now that you know what people are searching for and you’ve got those keywords selected and prioritized, it’s time to get writing! To make sure you really have all your ducks in a row and to ensure your blog is in the best position to get noticed, follow the below steps before publishing anything. 

  • Choose your topic

  • Research keywords (remember: specific, relevant, uncommon)

  • Draft your title (Include your keyword and keep it intriguing!) 

  • Write the thing!

    • Break up your ideas with subheadings

    • Work in your keyword and related words naturally (ideally every ~250 words)

  • Add images (you should have at least one as the featured image)

    • Name the file with your keyword

    • Add an alt tag on each

  • Add internal links to other resources on your site

  • Add external links to relevant places around the internet

  • Prep the listing

    • Make sure the title is 30-65 characters

    • Update the URL/Slug (include keyword here!)

    • Write the meta description (155 characters)

  • If you have Wordpress, double check your Yoast traffic lights.

Get the full comprehensive SEO checklist here.

Need some hands-on support with SEO for your social enterprise or nonprofit? 

If you don’t want to DIY your SEO, come check out my Attract & Activate membership, where we help small businesses and cause-focused organizations to reach and convert their ideal customers and donors through the power of SEO.

(KP note: I can attest first-hand as to what a patient and fun teacher is! There is a strong learning curve for a lot of us when it comes to SEO, but Meg will do everything in her power to make sure you can understand and implement her ideas. Plus, after those leads start coming in, you’ll be glad you took the time to learn a new skill!)

Meg Casebolt is the owner and founder of Love At First Search and has been helping online business owners create beautiful, search-friendly websites and strategic content for the past eight years. 

Before launching Love At First Search, Meg spent nine years in the nonprofit sector, working in the development teams at Big Brothers Big Sisters and Partners In Health, while earning her Masters in Community Economic Development.

She’s your no-B.S. bestie who makes it super easy for your dream customers to find—and adore!—your organization online, resulting in effortless web traffic, consistent customers, soaring profit and donations, and SO much more time (and sanity)!

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4 Ways to Help Donors and Customers Find Your Social Impact Mission on Google


I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

How to Navigate the Legal World of Cause Marketing

When I first heard Sam Mazzeo of In Better We Trust speak at a conference a few years ago, I was immediately impressed with his ability to make legalese sound interesting and approachable. I know, what a skill, right?

So, when he posted about cause marketing on social media a while back, I knew I needed to have him further explain it to you as both a lawyer and an advocate of social impact. If you’ve been looking for the one-two punch of a for-profit / nonprofit partnership, you’re gonna want to listen up, and maybe take some notes.

Commercial Co-Ventures may not be a term you’re familiar with (yet), but you’ve certainly seen it in action—and you’re probably dying to give it a try. However, before you jump into this type of committed partnership, read Sam’s take on how to navigate the legal world of cause marketing. Your cause will thank you.

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You may not know it, but Cause Marketing, or Commercial Co-Ventures, is all the rage in the social impact space these days. So, what is it?

Cause Marketing is when a for-profit business promises to donate a portion of their sales proceeds from a product or service they sell to a nonprofit organization.

Simple, right? Not so fast . . .

Typically, the for-profit already sells products or services and, by virtue of making a promise to donate a portion of its revenue to a charity, the marketing campaign becomes a Cause Marketing campaign. Meaning, this can happen legally even if you didn’t intend it to!

A successful example of Cause Marketing (that didn’t happen by accident) is the NFL’s A Crucial Catch Campaign, also referred to as “NFL Pink.”  This campaign is a joint effort between the NFL and the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research and awareness. The NFL auctions game apparel and equipment that bears a pink ribbon logo and sells NFL Pink merchandise. In turn, the NFL donates a portion of proceeds from these auctions to the American Cancer Society. Not only does the NFL gain some positive PR, but the American Cancer Society has also received approximately $7 million dollars from the campaign.

Not too shabby, right?


Obviously, when a Cause Marketing campaign is successful, both the non-profit and the for-profit benefit financially and in a public relations sense. Cause Marketing, however, does require some compliance and oversight to keep it legal.

In many states, when a business engages in Cause Marketing, the business and non-profit legally become a commercial co-venture, which can trigger various regulations. Marketing language that puts you in the commercial co-venture category includes:

  • For each ______ sold, we will donate to ______.

  • Send in five ______, and we will donate $10 to ______.

AKA if you advertise to the public that proceeds will be donated from sales, you’re in the Commercial Co-Venture world, folks!

Many states have implemented regulations on commercial co-ventures in an effort to keep consumers well informed and to ensure businesses do not merely say that proceeds go to charity when they actually do not. Regulations and enforcement vary from state to state, which can present some difficulties and confusion for national campaigns.

Cause Marketing Regulations and Requirements

Generally, the regulations and requirements include:

  • Registration Requirements: A requirement for the business to register with the state by filling out a commercial co-venture registration form. Generally, annual reports must be filed with the Attorney General of each state.

  • Contract: In some states, the business and the charity must enter into a written contract with specifically required provisions and file the contract with the state.

    • Pro California Tip: In California, if you have an agreement in place with the nonprofit, you likely don’t have to register with the Attorney General!

  • Reporting by Charities: In some states, the charity must file a statement prior to the campaign and include the promotion in its annual reporting.

  • Accounting: A complete accounting and retention of those records is often required upon completion of the campaign.

  • Disclosures: The for-profit is likely required to include language regarding the specific amount or percentage of proceeds that will be donated in all of the campaign materials.

Unfortunately for all of you cause-marketers, states vary as to the extent of enforcing these regulations. Generally, the biggest consequence in failing to comply is bad publicity for the for-profit.

For a Goliath like the NFL, bad publicity is pretty easily absorbed. For a growing business or new nonprofit, on the other hand, bad publicity can be disastrous. For example, take the case of a for-profit that was required to contribute additional money to a nonprofit because the language in a campaign was ambiguous or misleading in regards to how much of the consumer’s purchase would be donated. In 1999, Yoplait was required to pay several million dollars in additional contributions to the Breast Cancer Association because of unclear promotion terms.

To sum it all up, find a sweet product that your nonprofit wants to endorse (or find a sweet nonprofit if you’re the for-profit), create a joint campaign that is compliant and discloses the donation percentage, and shout that campaign from the rooftops.

If all goes well, the nonprofit sees an increase in donations and the for-profit sees an increase in sales. It’s a win for everyone!

Still confused? Watch me explain it again in this video.


Sam Mazzeo is a Renaissance man, but like, an approachable one.

Here are some things he can help you better understand: trademark, business formation and securities, contracts, Halloween party planning, how to do a standing backflip, and the proper pronunciation of the word “GIF.”

But he can’t help you if your questions are related to birds. He isn't a big fan of birds.

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Wondering what makes a #nonprofit / for-profit partnership legal? Here is a quick explanation of cause marketing and the legal requirements.

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

Top 5 Blog Posts Of 2020

2020, am I right?

Whew. It’s been a year for the history books. Between the pandemic, racial injustice, natural disasters, presidential election, and more—we’ve survived a lot in the last 12 months.

And as nonprofit and social enterprise leaders, this year has also been a strain. Many small businesses (and large ones) have closed their doors and many nonprofits have lost significant event revenue and donations.

Despite it all, though, there are some silver linings: GivingTuesday was a smash, people have learned more about their priorities, and masses have supported racial justice as well as small and local businesses. Those are all things to celebrate.

We’ve also learned a few things (I know I have). You can share in that some of that knowledge in the blog posts below. These posts are what Signify readers found most interesting and helpful this year, and I hope you find them valuable, too.

So, as you usher in the holiday season, the most magical time of the year, take this opportunity to educate yourself—and then let’s show 2020 the door!

Signify's Top 5 Blog Posts of 2019: Resources For Nonprofits and Social Impact Companies

1) 29 Sensational Nonprofit and Social Enterprise COVID-19 Success StORIES

You don’t have to look far to see the devastating effect that the coronavirus is having on small businesses and nonprofits. It’s very scary out there. But, in the midst of all the bad, there are nonprofits and social enterprises that have found success during COVID-19. They are proof that, no matter your mission, people are still buying and donating.

These scrappy, cause-focused organizations have exercised creativity despite the constraints. They are an example for all of us to follow as we pivot in the short-term in order to be around in the long-term.

The nonprofits and social impact companies highlighted in this post are just a few examples of what your future could look like. Theses mini case studies are meant to serve not as a blueprint, but as a jumping off point. I hope you see yourself in their stories.

Read the full post . . .

2) The Ultimate Guide to Social Impact Websites

Outside of your people, your website is your nonprofit or social enterprise’s greatest marketing asset. It’s also one of the most important tools you have to help you make a bigger social impact. In fact, it’s so important that we’re going to look at it from just about every angle.

From what you should do before you create or update your website, to writing and designing it, to how to promote it after going live, this is your ultimate guide to social impact websites.

It’s time to build and engage a larger audience, increase your sales or donations, and do more good. This is one tool to help you do just that.

Read the full post . . .

3) COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits and Social Impact Companies

There’s no question about it: Our world has changed. As we grapple with the reality of COVID-19, we are all struggling to keep up—not just as individuals, but as nonprofit leaders and business owners.

Fear and anxiety are high. Supplies feel scarce. Distraction is in overdrive.

And yet, our world needs your work more than ever.

According to the Small Business Administration, 99% of businesses in the United States are small businesses, and this includes nonprofits. Of those, 88% have less than 20 employees. In fact, small businesses employ almost half of the private US workforce.

This means that nonprofits, social enterprises, and social impact companies are vital, not only to our lives, but our culture. So, during this challenging time, how can you succeed when on some days, the odds may feel stacked against you?

Read the full post . . .

4) Racial Justice Resources for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises

As a leader of a nonprofit or social enterprise, some form of justice is already at the heart of your work. You’re fighting for a cause because it’s worthy of your attention and your voice. It’s true, it’s right, it’s just.

So, if you aren’t already involved in the conversation regarding racial justice, now is the time to join in—no matter what issues you’re already working on. Racism is a virus, and each of us is susceptible.

You’ve, of course, seen overt and horrific examples played out on a national stage, but the real work—the hard work—begins in ourselves, our homes, and the places we work.

Even as a cause-focused organization, it’s possible that you may need some assistance in this area. We can all lose perspective when it comes to our own work, and even ourselves.

As an advocate for justice, inequality is your adversary. And it’s time to pick a fight.

Read the full post . . .

5) Why Your Social Impact Mission Isn't Enough

Have you ever read an entire nonprofit or social enterprise website, only to find yourself still wondering what they actually do?

Have you ever had a fantastic conversation with someone about their mission, only to find that their website lacked the same passion?

Have you ever seen an organization use different styles and tones across their social media, website, blog, and even when they speak in person?

If you’ve seen any of these issues in action, you’re witnessing a lack of clarity and consistency in the nonprofit or social enterprise’s brand message or brand voice.

With a strong brand message and brand voice, people will know what you do, why it matters, and how they can be a part of it. Without it, people could be left confused or even apathetic to the incredible work that you’re trying to do.

Read the full post . . .

Looking for more popular topics? Here are some of my readers’ all-time favorites:

12 Unique Launch Ideas You'll Want to Copy

What Do Successful Launches Have in Common? 

What You Need to Convince Potential Sponsors and Partners

10 Tools to Make Your Small Business Look More Professional (Most Are Free!)

5 Reasons Why Giving Back is Good For Business

PSST: Don't forget that you only have a few more days to enter to win a Communications Audit and Strategy Session, valued at $750! Resolve to have a stronger marketing strategy.


Signify's Top 5 Blog Posts for 2020: Resources for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.

Women: Steer Your Career and Get Where You Want to Go

Today’s post is from our friend, Gloria Martinez, of Women Led, which aims to celebrate women’s achievements in the workplace and is dedicated to increasing the number of women-led corporations, organizations, and small businesses by educating others about women-led achievements.

We’d all love to see more of that, wouldn’t we? If you’re a woman who wants to take a more intentional approach to your career, listen up! Gloria will provide you with practical tips to steer your career and get where you want to go.

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Do you remember when you were a kid and someone asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? Maybe you said something practical like a teacher or nurse, or maybe you said something outlandish like being a lion tamer. Whatever our dreams are, it’s all too common for women to lose sight of those goals somewhere along the way, or else struggle to make them happen.

This is an unfortunate reality of being a woman in the workplace, and it’s just as common in the nonprofit and social enterprise sectors. But when you know you’ll face barriers, you can either head for the hills and run . . . or find practical strategies to break them down!

Never Stop Learning

The folks at Signify know how important it is to outsource skills that are outside your realm of knowledge. That’s why so many nonprofits and socially driven companies hire them for their copywriting and marketing expertise. At the same time, it’s just as important to recognize when you may be lacking skills or knowledge that would help your career move forward.

Even as you have to fill several roles at once, it’s unreasonable to expect yourself to be an expert at everything. Instead, continue gaining skills that will serve you the most. If you find that you want to branch out into a new arena, you may need a degree to get where you want to be. Alternatively, if you simply want to advance the skills you already have, enrolling in an online university is a great option for busy women who are also working. And for a crash course in a specific topic, take a look at LinkedIn Learning and HubSpot Academy.

Lastly, always look for opportunities to continue growing your skills, including both hard and soft skills. Take any chance you get to attend seminars, take online master classes, and read current blogs and books that are relevant in your field.

Listen and Lead

Learning happens in everyday life too, but that doesn’t mean that learning opportunities will simply fall in your lap. If you don’t already have a mentor, seek out a person who has the skills and experience you want to acquire. This may be a leader you work with, or the perfect mentor could be someone outside of your organization.

We all need mentors, whether you’re already in a leadership position or that’s something you aspire to. That’s because the best leaders are those who are willing to admit that they don’t know everything—but are always open to learning. As the website Diversity Woman suggests, one of the best ways to gain more experience, and ultimately learn what you need to move forward, is to ask for more responsibility.

Own Your Ambition

Too many women in the workforce have internalized the idea that we’re supposed to be humble. Sure, we all have to acknowledge what we don’t know, or else we’d never grow. But being humble becomes a problem when it turns into self-doubt.

That’s why Business Insider tells us how important it is to own our ambition. Do you have big hopes and dreams? Great! Now own them and your ambition to achieve them. Just as we have to listen and learn to be good leaders, we also have to acknowledge our accomplishments, talents, and strengths.

Ask for What You Want

A similar issue is when women fail to prioritize their needs in the workplace. This is especially common in nonprofit and social impact sectors where we’re often so focused on the mission that we shy away from addressing our own needs. As one nonprofit leader tells Forbes, one way to avoid this mistake is to know what’s negotiable. Whether we’re talking about salary, schedule, or anything else you need to reach your goals and avoid burnout, don’t assume that negotiating is off limits.

Burnout is a very real risk to professional like you, and it has more causes than you may think. If you feel stuck in your career or overwhelmed by barriers, you may be headed for burnout. The good news is that you can always turn this situation around—you just need the know-how and the courage to make it happen!

Gloria Martinez loves sharing her business expertise and hopes to inspire other women to start their own businesses and seek promotions in the workplace. Her brainchild, Women Led, is an avenue for her vision to help women advance in the workplace and celebrate their achievements. 


4 Practical Tips for Women to Steer Your Career and Get Where You Want to Go

Kristi Porter, founder of Signify

I’m Kristi Porter, and I help cause-focused organizations understand and execute effective marketing campaigns so they can move from stressed to strategic. Your resources may be limited, but your potential isn’t. Whether you’re a nonprofit, social enterprise, or small business who wants to give back, I’ll show you how to have a bigger impact.